Tags: Rotation , Circumduction vs Rotation , circumduction , circumduction gait , circumduction movement , hip circumduction , circumduction exercises , difference between rotation and circumduction , rotation circumduction , rotation vs circumduction , rotation and circumduction , circumduction and rotation , circumduction of arm , circumduction movement definition , example of circumduction , define circumduction in anatomy , definition of circumduction
'Circumduction vs Rotation Now you may be wondering, isn’t Circumduction the same thing as Rotation? Circumduction and Rotation are two different movements. Circumduction, as we’ve previously stated is the movement of a limb in a circle. Rotation is when a limb moves around its long axis, turning like a screw. For instance, you can perform Circumduction in the arm by moving the arm in a circle. To perform Rotation of the arm you would simply extend the arm to the desired position and rotate the wrist backward or forwards. This movement will cause rotation of the elbow and the shoulder in a fixed position, without the need for the combination of movements that Circumduction requires. More In-Depth Article about the Circumduction vs Rotation: https://www.yourhousefitness.com/blog/types-of-body-movements-circumduction Support Your House Fitness By: Buying Resistance Bands: https://bit.ly/3cSipvJ Buying Glute Bands: https://bit.ly/3ro2aum Website: https://www.yourhousefitness.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/yourhousefitness Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yourhousefitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourhousefit #CircumductionvsRotation #Circumduction #Rotation'
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